Sunday, May 3, 2009

How much polythene you saved?


I have slashed use of polythene by 50%.

I used to keep polythene bag with me whenever I go outside of the home. This experiment slashed use of polythene drastically.

This is my status what is your status?

Monday, March 16, 2009

Save Animal Life: Minimize use of polythene

Polythene is poison. Animal does not know the difference between paper and polythene. They are eating it as and when. It becomes harmful for their health and it result in death to the animal.

We can save animals from following ways.
1. Minimizing the use of polythene. Keep one cloth or paper bag with you always. Do not ask shop keeper for polythene bag unless and until it is not required.
2. Think twice before dropping carry (polythene) bag in dustbin. It may be accessible to animals and may harm their health.
3. Do not use very thin polythene it’s very much poisonous.
4. Polythene lied in water and land is also harmful to the animals. Do not throw it in water.
Have you calculated ever how many polythene are you using in the year?
Calculate it and you will be stunned by the last figure.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

George Washington Carver: Source of inspiration

Hi Everyone,

Today I am going to write regarding one personality who changed my career.

The person is George Washington Carver. The man who raised in hardship and reached on height which is rare for Negroes. The biography of George Washington carver is very interesting and inspiring. I suggest every student should read biography of George Washington Carver at least once. I am sure that he will be fuelled with esteem, zest, and freshness for his/her future study.

Carver was down to earth man. He studied in very challenging conditions. He earned master's degree in agriculture. And started research in Tuskegee where He was starting over with almost nothing. He was doing basic experiments with soil and plants in Tuskegee. He had done lots of research on cotton and peanuts. He learned to use peanuts to make cooking oil, milk, cheese, etc. He also created drinks, lotions, shops etc. from peanuts. George became famous in U.S. People from all over the world came to Tuskegee to get the advice of the George. George never charged to any for his advice. He used to say "The lord charges me nothing for Knowledge and I will charge you the same."

Biography of George helped me a lot when I was studying in college. Whenever I was getting frustrated, I used to read this book and was getting positive solution to my problems and was starting to think I am in better condition than George.